Analytics Overview


Oneserve Self Service Analytics is a powerful embedded analytics solution allowing you to report on information collected and stored within Oneserve. Improving visibility of your operations and empowering users to make better business decisions.

It allows you to do the following:

  • Create charts, tables, and other visualisations of your data
  • Save these "visuals" in your own gallery
  • Combine them into dashboards
  • Place them in reports that can be shared with others
  • Schedule reports for automatic generation and distribution and more.

Analytics consists of the following:

The following will introduce you to the each of these sections  - If you need more information on how to use specific functions within any of these, this can be found by searching for the relevant function and or section.

If you don't already have Analytics as part of your Oneserve solution and would like to find out more information on the benefits of it, please contact your account manager

Report Schedule Manager

There is a second section to analytics called Report Schedule Manager - this will allow super users to view and manage reports across their company

If you wish to use the schedule manager tool, please raise a support request.


Home Page

  • To navigate to Oneserve's Analytics solution select 'Analytics' from the top banner


Below is an example of the Analytics homepage;

The icons on the left-hand side are menu options for different features within the application, the home icon at the top of the menu will always return you to this page and the grey "Question Mark" icon will display helpful text describing the application features.


Once you begin to create items they will appear here on the home page, items are displayed in the list shown and can be Analyses, Dashboard, or Reports - these are easily distinguishable by the icon on the left of the list and can be opened and viewed by selecting a list item.

From the homepage, you can also delete, share (covered below) and search for created items.


To use Analytics, you must first create and save Analyses, you can then build Dashboards and Reports with them.


In this section you specify the type of data that you want to analyse. Manipulate and query the data and create data visualisations - Think of this section as your own personal work space where you are interrogating data to create tables and charts to use in Dashboards and Reports that you will then share with other users.

The analyses and visualisations you create can be saved, viewed, combined, and even exported - They can also be scheduled for regular production and shared with others.


Navigating to the Analysis module can be achieved by selecting the icon on the side navigation menu as shown above.


Dashboards consist of a collection of visuals (charts, gauges, and tables) these can be placed into dashboard panels and grouped on tabs, to convey useful information and stats, as shown below

Before you can create a dashboard or report, you must first have created analyses via the Analysis tool and added them to the Visual Gallery (adding analyses to the Visual Gallery is covered in the "Adding to Visual Gallery" section in the Analysis guide)



Select "Author Dashboard" to start creating dashboards, as shown.


A Oneserve Analytics report can display an arrangement of components that convey the information you want to see - You can add visuals from the gallery and the charts within them are fully functional; animation, hover highlighting, quick tips etc. work just as they did in an analysis.

Each time the report is run or refreshed in the browser, its visuals will retrieve data from their databases and display it. The report, therefore, is a “snapshot” of the data from the time the report was last refreshed.

Reports you create are automatically saved and will appear in your homepage list

To start creating reports, select "Author Report" from the side menu
