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Cost Years and Cost Periods

In order to control, invoice and report on costs, it may be necessary to control the periods when costs can be created in Oneserve. Cost periods can be closed to prevent costs being backdated into periods that have already been reported upon.

The first step is to set up a cost year. Cost periods can then be assigned to this year, and must span the whole of the cost year. The cost year and relevant periods within can then be opened or closed as required. This is controlled by a User with the access right of Cost Periods (COPER). 

Once set up, if someone attempts to create a cost during a closed period they will see an error message.  

Adding a Cost Year

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu.
  2. Select Cost Periods from the Financial menu.
  3. All previous Cost Years will be displayed in the list view.
  4. Click on the paper icon next to the cost year to add the Cost Periods.
  5. Click [Add] to create a new Cost Year.
  6. Fill in the Cost Year details as follows;
    1. name - The name of the year, e.g. 2025.
      start date - The date the year starts.
      end date - The date the year ends.
  7. Click the green Tick icon to save.

Activate/Deactivate Cost Years

    1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu.
    2. Select Cost Periods from the Financial menu.
    3. All previous Cost Years will be displayed in the list view.
    4. Choose a Cost Year with a status of draft and click the Green tick to activate the cost Year.

    5. Once Activated the green tick will change into a Red cross and the status of the Cost Year will change to Active.

    6. To deactivate click on the red cross. It will change back to a green tick and the status will be draft.

    Open/Close Cost Years

    1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu.
    2. Select Cost Periods from the Financial menu.
    3. All previous Cost Years will be displayed in the list view.
    4. Choose a Cost Year with a status of active and click the Green ball to open the cost Year.

    5. Once open, the green ball will change into a red ball and the status of the Cost Year will change to open.

    6. To close the cost period, click on the red ball. It will change back to a green ball and the status will be closed.