Creating a New User


User accounts are used to log into Oneserve using the desktop application or the mobile application. Users are categorised under user types which determine what the user can access using the user type rights settings.

The user licence count will be displayed at the top of the Users page, this will indicate how many mobile users have been used and how many desktop accounts are active. A mobile user is determined by a value in the mobile resource field and that their account is active. Desktop users will use the remaining active accounts that do not have a link to a mobile resource.

Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 15.20.48Prerequisites

To be able to create a new user, the creating user will need to have the User Client Access Modification right.

User Type Right - Users [USE], [User Client Access Modification]

Creating a New User

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select the Users link under the Users & Permission section
  3. Use the plus icon at the top of the screen to create a new user.

Forename - First name of the new user

Surname - Surname of the new user

Email - This is a mandatory field. This is due to the 'Forgot my password' functionality as the instruction on how to change the password is sent to the email address.

Username - Used to log in to Oneserve. The username will default to the Forename dot Surname entered in the first two fields. If the username already exists it will add numeric values to the end to make it unique. You can change the username if you would like to follow a different format.

Password - A password is required to create an account, you can tick the box for 'Reset Password on next login' to force the user to change the password when they log into the desktop application. You will need to choose a password that meets the following requirements;

You will need to choose a password that meets the following requirements;

At least 8 characters Do not contain your account or full name Contain at least three out of the following four character groups:

  • English uppercase characters (A-Z)
  • English lowercase characters (a-z)
  • Numerals (0-9)
  • Non-alphabetic characters, such as !, $, £, %

Reset password on next login - If you reset a user's password or create a new user you can force the user to change the password when they log into the desktop application. The user will need to know the original password before they are directed to the password screen.

User Type - User Type is a mandatory field, this will determine what the user will be able to access on Oneserve. System rights are assigned to user types so you can control the page access, and create, edit and delete options. Open the User Type page for more information.

Default Team - Select the team the user will use the most, this will affect the Scheduler as it will default to the allocated default team. This will not affect the new appointment/reschedule buttons opening the Scheduler because it will default to the team assigned to the job.

Clients - Users require a client to be assigned before they can access any jobs or sites. You have the option to assign access to individual clients or client sets. Client sets allow multiple clients to be assigned to one set before being linked to a user. The benefits of the sets are to make it easier to assign new clients to the set instead of the manual process of adding a new client to each user individually.

Default Client - This field will be filtered by the clients assigned in the client's field. Select the client the user will be using for the most.

Team Filtering

By default, team filtering will be disabled. If you activate the filter you will be required to add the teams the user will be able to access. This function will determine what jobs the user will be able to access and what details against the job resource, activities and costs tab will be available.

The filtering will affect the following

  • Job Search
  • Global Quick Search
  • Calendar View
  • Scheduler
  • Fixed and Pooled Scheduling
  • Job Resources: Appointments/Time entries
  • Job Costs: Existing entries and adding costs manually
  • Job Activities: Existing entries and assigning new activities
  • Modify Team/Service against a job
  • Admin: Teams

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User's Access to Clients

The User Type Right [User Client Access Modification] right is required to assign multiple clients or client sets to a user account. Without this right, you will only be able to assign one client and the client list will be filtered by the client access for the login user. With the right, you will be able to see all the active clients on Oneserve.

You can assign individual client access in the client's field or use the client set functionality. Client Sets will appear at the top of the client list with Client Set in brackets after the name.

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More information regarding client sets can be accessed here

Mobile Users

The following steps will use a Mobile Licence.

If you are creating a user to access the mobile application you will need to complete the two mobile fields. Mobile users require a resource account for the jobs to appear on their mobile. Details on how to create a resource account can be found here.

Mobile Team - Select the name of the team the resource has been created under.

Mobile Resource - Select the resource name. The resource will download the appointments assigned to the resource for the mobile device.

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Making a User Inactive

  1. Select the user you would like to be made inactive
  2. Use the On/Off toggle for Active
  3. Click on update to save the changes
                Screenshot 2023-03-20 at 15.58.34
    Inactive users can be found using the 'Show Inactive' field at the top of the user table.
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