How Do I… use the Help Me Fix Integration?

This guide will outline the Help Me Fix integration from an Oneserve perspective.

  1. What Does Help Me Fix do?
  2. How does the integration work?
  3. How do users use it?

1. What Does Help Me Fix Do?

Help Me Fix provides the ability to carry out triage and repairs without visiting a property. 

It uses AI chat and/or video calling to put tenants in touch with engineers so that they can resolve issues remotely. Where issues are not able to be resolved, reports are sent back to Oneserve to allow for an on site appointment to be arranged.

2. How does the integration work?

The Help Me Fix integration is Job Event based, to this end there are several new Job Events, all of the events are of the ‘Help Me Fix Integration’ Event Type.

These events can be enabled individually or together depending on how the customer will use the integration.

Below are each of the new events and a description of what they do.

HMF001 - Help Me Fix: AI Chatbot

This event will send the job to Help Me Fix so they can send the tenant details on how to use the AI Chat to resolve their issue.

HMF002 - Help Me Fix: P2P Video Call

This event will send the job to Help Me Fix so they can send the tenant details on how to connect to a call with an engineer.

HMF003 - Help Me Fix: Pooled Video Call

This event will send the job to Help Me Fix so they can send the tenant details on how to be connected to one of the available engineers.

HMFERR - Help Me Fix: Error Generating Link

When a user adds any of the events we validate a number of fields exist and have data to ensure we pass over all of the details required. The mandatory fields are:

  • Site Name
  • Site Address 4 (we rely on this for the City field which is Mandatory in the Help Me Fix API)
  • Site Postcode
  • Incident Contact Email (at least 1 present)
  • Incident Contact Mobile Number (at least 1 present)

If any of these validations fail the HMFERR event is added to the Job History detailing which fields are missing so that the user can correct and try again.

HMFSEN - Help Me Fix: Link Requested

If all of the data is complete and we are able to send the request to Help Me Fix the HMFSEN event will be added to the Job History.

HMFCOM - Help Me Fix: Triage Complete

This event is added by Help Me Fix once the session with the tenant, video call or AI Chat bot, has been completed.

3. How do users use it?

Using the Help Me Fix integration is as simple as adding the desired Help Me Fix Job Event to a job.

Adding the events will automatically trigger the integration and send the request to Help Me Fix.

How to add a Job Event to a Job:

  1. Navigate to the Job and open the Job History tab.
  2. Click ‘Ad-Hoc Event’.
  3. Select the ‘Help Me Fix Integration’ Event Type.
  4. Select the event you want to add and use the green ‘Add’ button to save.