How do I... Schedule Multi-Day and Multi-Resource Appointments?

This guide will take you through how to schedule multi-day and multi-resource appointments within Oneserve. You can find the ‘Schedule Multiple Appointments’ button on the Resources tab of a job.

Which Type Rights are Required?

The new ‘Schedule Multiple Appointments’ page requires users to have the following type rights to be assigned to their user type.

  • Appointments_Create
  • Jobs_Read
  • Resources_Read

Unsure of how to assign type rights? Click here to see our guide on managing type rights within Oneserve.

How do I get to the Schedule Multiple Appointments page?

  1. Navigate to a job within Oneserve that has at least one unscheduled activity.
  2. From the Resources tab, use the ‘Schedule Multiple Appointments’ button to be taken to the new page.
  3. The page will open with the ‘Select Activities’ panel open.

How do I select activities?

  1. Using the search box and filter button to find the activities you want to schedule.
  2. To select the activities, double click on each activity to move it to the ‘Selected Activities’ panel.
  3. You can also move all of the activities over by using the double arrow button in the middle of the activity panels.
  4. When you’ve selected all the activities you need, use the ‘Resources’ button to move to the ‘Select Resources’ panel.

How do I select Resources?

  1. Click into the ‘Select a resource’ field
  2. Search on the resource’s name or use the filters on the right side to find the resources you want.
  3. Use the checkboxes to select the required resources.
  4. When you’ve selected the resources you want to, use the ‘Dates’ button to select the appointment dates.

How do I select appointment dates?

  1. The calendars will display the days that all selected resources are available for.
    • A resource is considered available if they have no appointments on that date.
  2. Click on the calendar to select the dates you want to schedule the appointments for.
  3. Once selected the dates will turn blue.
  4. When you've selected all of the required dates, use the ‘Times’ button to move to the Appointment Summary panel.

NB: The calendar will check to see if any of the days have appointments with the statuses listed below, and if they do they'll be considered unavailable.

  • New
  • Draft
  • Pending
  • In Progress
  • Unable to start
  • Complete
  • Rescheduling
  • Holding

How do I schedule the appointments?

The Appointment Summary gives you an over of the appointments you are about to schedule and allows you to make final adjustments as required.

  1. Use the Day Division drop down field to select whether you want AM, PM, or Full Day appointments.
  2. If you have sms messaging configured, you can untick the ‘Notify’ the checkbox for any appointments you do not want to send messages for.
  3. If you have created any appointments in error you can use the minus symbol to remove them.
  4. Once you are happy with the appointments, use the ‘Save and Go to Job’ button.