How Do I... use Versioning Approval Rules?

Versioning approval rules allow for different items against a job to be used to trigger an approval requirement.

Job Version Statuses

When a job is first created, it is given the version number of 1.

A version can have one of the following statuses:

  • New: a version has been created and changes to the job are being made before being submitted to the approval cycle.
  • Pending: the job has been submitted into the approval cycle after changes have been made and an approval rule means that the job is waiting for an authorised user to approve the changes.
  • Approved: the version has been approved and work can continue on the job.
  • Rejected: the authorised user has rejected the changes made to the job. A new version must be created to amend the job and move back through the version cycle.
  • Cancelled: a user has cancelled the version due to errors. The current version of the job will revert back to being the last approved version of the job.

A job can only have one current status and previous versions of the job can be viewed by looking at the work log details page. This can be accessed by clicking on the work log ref on the job details page. By default, this page only shows the current version of the job but selecting the “show all versions” option will show all older versions of the job, which can then be viewed.

Note: when a job is versioned the old version of the job is given a new job reference number and the actual job reference stays with the current job version.

Creating Versions

To create a new version of a job:

1. Select the "Create Version" option on the job details page.

This will create new version of the job and assign a different reference to the old version for historical purposes. The new version will automatically be assigned a status of New. 

2. Once a version has been created, you will be able to make changes to the job. These include adding costs, activities, amending job or supplier details.

3. Click the Submit Version to commit your changes.

Once a version has been submitted the system will analyse the changes to verify that the user type has the authority to approve versions. If the checks pass, the new version will be submitted, otherwise it will go forward for approval.

Clicking on the Work Log Ref will show you details pertaining to old job versions. This will give you a full audit trail for the job.

Cancelling Versions

If you have made a mistake or you would like to return the job to the last approved version you can use the 'Cancel Version' option whilst the job has a status of New. This button will appear next to the Submit Version button.

If you use this option you should be aware that it can affect any changes you have made to the different tabs on a job, the details have been broken down per tab:

  • Job Details Tab: Any changes made using the modify button will be discarded.
  • Attributes: Any changes to job attributes will be discarded.
  • Resources:
    • Appointments: If a job has pending appointments, you will not be able to cancel the job version. Appointments must be completed or cancelled in order to allow the version to be cancelled.

Time Records: Any time records added in the current version will be discarded

  • Activities: Newly added activities will be removed and any changes to existing activities will be reversed.
  • Parts: Newly added parts will be removed and any changes to existing parts will be reversed.
  • Job History: Events or notes applied in the new version will be removed.
  • Documents: Documents uploaded to the job will remain on the job even if the version is cancelled as these are stored separately from the database.
  • Job Cost: Ad-hoc costs, labour rates, activity costs, and part costs added in the new version will be removed if the version is cancelled.

Approving or Rejecting Versions

  • Once the 'approve version' or 'reject version' button has been pressed the user will be presented with a screen detailing all the rules that are applicable to the version that they are able to approve (there may be more than one depending on the relevant configuration).
  • The user selects the applicable rules that they wish to either approve or reject and selects save. It should be noted that only when all the rules that are applicable to that version have been approved or all rejected will the version be set to that status.