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How do I...reset my Mobile Password?
Guide to resetting password on the Mobile Device
Resetting your Password
1. On the App Login page hit 'Forgotton password'. Ensure the correct environment is set!
2. On the Verify User page, enter your company name and user name. These are not case sensitive, and you should be presented with a popup.
3. If the user name you provided exists at the company, and email will be sent to that email address containing a verification code. This will be from noreply@oneserve.co.uk - check your spam folder! If one does not arrive within a few minutes, it may be that the user or company name is incorrect.
4. Enter the Verification Code on the Resest Your Password page, with you new password ensuring it adhers to the password policy (of at least 8 characters, 1 Capital Letter, 1 Lowercase letter and 1 special character)
5. You should then be redirected back to the log in page where you can use your new password.