Job Notes


Notes are used in several areas of the system to record additional information against standard job functions. The event and the notes will appear on the job history which will record the date/time and user who performed the action.

The notes will appear in different drop-down menus, therefore they need to be configured before they can be used. We have system settings to turn on some of the note types listed below. If you would like to turn on any of the system settings please submit a support request.

User Type Rights

Code Name Description Right Type
MSAD Admin Access to the Admin menu using the cog icon in the menu header. For all the rights mentioned in this section the user will need to have this right Page Access
ADMIN_JOBS Jobs Access to the Jobs admin sub section on the Admin page. This is the parent right for this group so you will need to add it before you can use any of the rights below Page Access
NOTE_LIST Notes Access to the Notes page from the Admin menu. Used to control the available options against options in Oneserve such as Additional Appointment Reason, Cancel Job, Reason for Rescheduling Page Access


Creating a New Note

  • Click on the cog icon to bring up the admin menu
  • Select the "Notes" option under the "Jobs" section
  • Any notes that you have previously created will be shown in the list that appears


  • Click on the + icon in the top left to bring up the note creation screen
  • Enter the following details:
    • Description: The name of your note
    • Note Type: The type of your note should be categorised as
    • Active: Defaults to ON, but can be set to OFF if not needed


  • Click Create to submit your changes

Note Types

Additional Appointment Reason

System Setting: A per-client setting can be enabled to make adding an additional appointment reason mandatory

Used on the Mobile to provide the list of options under the Additional Appointment button. You can also use the option if you manually update an appointment on the desktop.


Appointment Cancelled Reason

System Setting: A per-client setting can be enabled to make adding a cancellation reason mandatory

This note type can be used to create a set of stock reasons for cancelling an appointment that can be added by a scheduler when performing an update.


Appointment Late Start Reasons

If an appointment was started later than its planned start date, a reason will need to be selected from the list of notes.


Appointment Referred Reasons

After selecting the Refer Job button on the right hand side of the scheduler you will need to enter a reason.


Appointment Rescheduled Reasons

System Setting: A per-client setting can be enabled to make adding a rescheduled reason mandatory

If you are rescheduling an appointment you can capture a reason why. The pop up for the reason will show if you drag and drop appointments on the fixed scheduler or on the pooled screen when an appointment is rescheduled


Appointment Special Request

The special requests on the scheduler will add the notes to the job history. Users can add text to the notes field or select the predefined special requests.


Job Abortion Reason

If you abort a job, you will need to enter a reason why


Job Cancellation Reason

If you cancel a job, you will need to enter a reason why


Late Scheduled Appointment Reason

System Setting: A per-client setting can be enabled to make a late scheduling reason mandatory

If users are scheduling appointments past the target date they can enter a reason why it is booked after target. This could be due to the customers availability or requires special parts.


Job Notes

Job notes are applied to the job history, after selecting Add Note the user can select the Note from the drop-down menu.
