Parent Sites


Parent sites allow you to create meaningful links between different sites in your system. This can be useful if you have several sites that all relate to one another but still need to be treated in separate locations for work, e.g., a block of flats.

Using a parent site allows considerations from the parent site to show up on your operative's mobile device in addition to the appointment site's considerations.

User Type Rights

Code Name Description Right Type
SEA_NEW Search Access to the Job search page through the header. Used to access the site search Page Access
SITE_LIST Sites Search Access to the sites search page Page Access
SIM Site Maintenance (Process) Options to Modify/Archive and create a new site using a copy of a site Process Rights



Adding a Parent Site

Note: Parent sites will be set based on the client. If you have two sites with the same ref for different clients, the one that matches the client of the child site will be selected

  • Search for the site you would like to set up as a child site
  • Click on the "Options" menu and select "Modify Site"
  • Enter the site ref of the site you would like to set as a parent in the "Parent Site" field

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 08.40.30

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 08.41.35

  • Click Update to commit your changes