Regions Overview


Regions provide a means of grouping Sites into regional areas. If Sites are allocated to a Region the Sites and their Jobs can be searched for and viewed by Region.

The Resource Scheduler has a highlight mode for Region which enables the person scheduling the jobs to view jobs by the regions associated to the sites. Regions can also be assigned a colour which further aids the schedulers as they can see at a quick glance if work has been allocated to the correct area.

User Type Rights

  • Regions [REG] - Allows access to the Region menu


Adding a New Region

  • Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  • Select Regions from the Sites menu section
  • If you have already created a region it will be displayed in the list view


  • Click on plus icon at the top of the page to create a new region


  • Enter the following details for your new region:
    • Code - This code is used on the scheduler key so the user can see which colour is associated to each region. It is important to use codes that are relevant to the region to avoid confusion
    • Name - The name for the region
    • Colour - The colour used on the scheduler when you select the "Highlight by Region" option


  • Click Create to commit your changes


The regions will also be used on the pooled scheduler, the available slots for the appointment will be indicated by 1 of 3 colours.

Yellow slots show a resource has the available postcode coverage for the site, the required skills for the work and they have available time.

Red slots, same as above but the job will be out of target.

Green slots will show a resource already has an appointment booked within the same region. By setting up site regions and booking appointments through the pooled screen you can reduce the drive time for engineers by booking appointments within the same area to the same resource and day division.

This image shows Tuesday AM or PM slot would be the best fit.
