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Release Notes - November/ December 2021


Please find below a summary of the release notes for the next core upgrade proposed for November/ December 2021. As this update includes only minor platform improvements there will be no requirement to complete any user acceptance testing.


Having no preferred contact set causes the appointments API to return incomplete data

The Appointments API will no longer omit any appointments where a related contact has no preferred method of contact.

Bug fixes

Issue: Unable to add multiple surveys to an asset

Resolution: This issue has been resolved and multiple surveys can now be added to an asset.

Issue: Removing an asset from a site causes an error in any Work Programmes with that asset assigned

Resolution: Work Programmes no longer error when an asset is removed from a site.

Issue: Unable to remove a parent site from a site

Resolution: A parent site can now be removed after it has been added to a site.

Issue: "Work Log Ref" field in search views actually shows "Work Log ID"

Resolution: This issue has now been corrected.

Issue: Multiple activities were being added to "Work type" on the "Activities" tab if they belonged to more than one group

Resolution: This issue has now been resolved.