Site Types & Locations


The Site Type gives details about the type of property. Site Types are assigned to sites when you create a new Site and can be used as a filter when you search for Sites or Assets.

Site Types are used extensively in the asset management functionality of Oneserve. Please see the Site Type Attributes section for more details.

User Type Rights

  • Site Types [STY]
  • Location Names - [LOCATION_NAMES]


Adding a New Site Type

  • Open the admin menu and select the Site Type page
  • If you have already created a Site Type it will be displayed in the list view.
  • Click on the plus icon to create a new type

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  • Enter the name of the new Site Type and then use the Create button
  • To edit existing Site Types click on the table row to open the edit panel


Note: Location names are limited to 200 characters. Anything over this will raise an error.

You can create a generic list of locations to make it easier to set up locations against individual sites instead of typing the same location name on every site.

  • Open the admin menu and select the Location Name page
  • Use the plus icon to create a new location

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  • Once you have entered the standard location names open the Site Type page. This page is on the admin page or on the left-hand side navigation bar whilst you're on the Location Name page.
  • Select one of your Site Types or use the plus icon to create a new entry
  • Add the relevant locations to the location name field.
  • You will need to repeat these steps if you need the locations configured on another site type.

Site Location

  • Open the Site Search page
  • Select a site and open the Location tab
  • Use the option to create a new location, the standard location names should appear in the dropdown if you have mapped the location names to the site type used on the site.

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Site Type Attributes


  • You can assign attributes relevant to sites against Site Types

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  • Select the attributes you would like to assign on the right and use the green arrow to move the attributes to the left.

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  • If you click on the attributes assigned on the left-hand side you can open the edit mode.

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  • You can set a default value and mark the attribute as mandatory.

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