SMS Tags


SMS tags enable you to automatically send out details about a job in an SMS message. This allows you to provide your clients with up-to-date, accurate information about the work you’re undertaking.



Note: Tags will be replaced with blanks if the data they reference is not set. For example: if there is no planned appointment start date, or no appointment, <<APPOINTMENT_START_DATE>> and <<APPOINTMENT_START_AMPM>> will simply be replaced with an empty string.

Job Tags

Tag Description Example
<<JOBID>> The ID of the job (only use this if you make use of the job ID elsewhere) 101
<<JOBREF>> The Oneserve assigned reference for the job J00013
<<JOB_CLIENT_REF>> The client reference for the job My Client Ref. If not set explicitly, defaults to the Oneserve job reference
<<DATE>> The reported date of the job Wed Mar 11 13:42:56 GMT 20
<<JOBDETAILS>> The cause description of the work log Caused by Weather
<<JOB_PRIORITY>> The priority description on the job Urgent - Within 7 Days
<<SERVICE>> The description of the Service on the Job GAS_SERVICING
<<SUPPLIER>> The name of the team actioning the job PNG Group
<<ENGINEER>> The trade name of the Supplier on the Job, or “our contractor” if no supplier is set With Supplier set: PNG Group With no Supplier set: our contractor
<<CLIENTNAME>> The name of the client on the job Brighton Counccil
<<CLIENTTEL>> The telephone number of the client on the job 01273 295 725
<<JOBSTARTDATE>> The planned start date on the Job, with format dd-MM-yy 01-01-20
<<AMPM>> AM or PM for the planned start date on the Job If job planned start is prior to 12:00: AM If job planned start is at 12:00 or later: PM
<<STDDESC>> The description set on the work type. Defaults to “Work as Requested” if no description found With work description set: Gas Service With no WorkType or WorkType work description set: Work as Requested
<<COMPLETION>> The actual end date of the job Wed Mar 11 13:42:56 GMT 2020

Appointment Tags

Tag Description Example
<<APPOINTMENT_START_DATE>> The planned start date on the Appointment, with format dd-MM-yy. 01-01-20
<<APPOINTMENT_END_DATE>> The planned end date on the Appointment, with format dd-MM-yy 02-01-20
<<APPOINTMENT_START_AMPM>> AM or PM for the planned start date on the Appointment If appointment planned start is prior to 12:00: AM If appointment planned start is at 12:00 or later: PM
<<PLANNED_START_TIME>> The planned appointment start time 13:00
<<PLANNED_END_TIME>> The planned appointment end time 15:00
<<DAYDIVISION_START_TIME>> The start time of the day division on the appointment, with format HH:mm. If no day division is set on the appointment, the day division which corresponds to the planned start date on the appointment for the client is retrieved and used instead 15:00
<<DAYDIVISION_END_TIME>> The end time of the day division on the appointment, with format HH:mm. If no day division is set on the appointment, the day division which corresponds to the planned start date on the appointment for the client is retrieved and used instead 18:00
<<DAYDIVISION_NAME>> The name of the day division on the appointment. If no day division is set on the appointment, the day division which corresponds to the planned start date on the appointment for the client is retrieved and used instead Late PM
<<TODAYSDATE>> The system date at time of running, with format dd-MM-yy. 01-01-20
<<APPOINTMENT_RESOURCE_NAME>> The name of the resource undertaking the work on the appointment John Smith
<<APPOINTMENT_RESOURCE_STORE>> The name of the store attached to the resource attending the appointment John’s Store
<<APPOINTMENT_ACTIVITY_NAME>> The name of the activity being performed on the appointment Replace faulty handle

Address Tags

Tag Description Example
<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS_LINE_1>> Address line 1 on the Work Log Unit 4 Silverdown Office Park
<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS_LINE_2>> Address line 2 on the Work Log Fair Oak Close
<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS_LINE_3>> Address line 3 on the Work Log Exeter
<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS_LINE_4>> Address line 4 on the Work Log Devon
<<INCIDENT_POSTCODE>> Postcode on the Work Log EX5 2UX
<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS>> Address lines 2-4 plus the post code of the job Fair Oak Close\\\par Exeter\\\par Devon\\\par EX52UX
<<ADDRESS>> Shorthand for `<<INCIDENT_ADDRESS>>` Fair Oak Close\\\par Exeter\\\par Devon\\\par EX52UX

Contact Tags

Tag Description Example
<<SALUTATION>> The salutation for the job contact Mrs
<<FIRSTNAME>> The job contact’s first name Debra
<<NAME>> The job contact’s surname Smith
<<FULLNAME>> The salutation, first name, and surname. Only set values are used With no name set: Mrs Smith With name set: Mrs Debra Smith