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Cost Types


Cost types are used to identify the types of costs that are being added onto a job, such as labour, materials, subcontractor costs and Activity.


Add Cost Type

  • Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  • Select Cost Types link from under the financial menu section
  • If you have already created a cost type it will be displayed in the list view


  • Click + to create a new Cost type


  • Fill in the Cost type details

  • name - The name of the cost type (e.g. "Labour")
  • Profit Percent = The percentage of profit to be applied to the uplift cost (set to 0 if not required)
  • Uplift Percent = The percentage of uplift to be applied to the cost (set to 0 if not required)

TIP: For a SOR contract, uplifts and profit percentages are not shown as these and are generally not required, as these are calculated into the actual SOR item cost already

  • Type = Each cost type is assigned to a master group to indicate whether it is SOR, Material, Sub-contractor, etc cost type (No Longer used functionality)
  • Initial Posting Type = Estimate, Actual or Expected
  • Final Posting Type = Estimate, Actual or Expected

Note: Against each cost type you state what the initial and final posting type of a cost of this type will be. When a job is measured the job costs will be moved from the initial posting type to the final posting type see Managing Job Costs for more details on posting types

  • Export Type = a way of grouping cost types if you want to export them in different ways and/or at different points
  • Active = Sets the cost type to Active
  • Auto Posting = will change the posting type automatically
  • Viewable = Determines whether a cost type can be viewed by a user without the VINTC (View internal costs) right, but who do have the VJC (View Job Costs) right. If this flag is set to false then any cost raised with this type will not be viewable in the job cost tab by the user, which is useful for hiding internal costs from client users.
  • Click Create