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  2. Jobs
  3. Job Details - Overview of the tabs

Job Costs


The job costs tab allows you to keep track of the costs and sales values against a job. Any labour, activity, parts, or ad-hoc costs will be tracked and summarised in this tab.

User Type Rights

Code Name Description Right Type
JCO Display Job - Costs Tab Access to the cost tab on a job Process Rights
JFS Display Job - Financial Summary Tab View the summary fields on job cost to see the actual and estimated margins Process Rights
MJC Modify Job Costs Option to change and add new costs on the job cost tab Process Rights
MCC Modify Cost Complete Job Allow cost modifications and new cost entries on the job cost tab once the job has passed the completed job status Process Rights
UCOME Update Costs in Measured Stage Allow cost modifications and new cost entries on the job cost tab once the job has reached the measured stage Process Rights


Adding Job Costs Manually

Note: If you have job versioning turned on, you must create a version before adding costs manually

  • Click on the Costs tab to view all existing costs against the job
  • Click on the "Add Job Cost" button to bring up the creation menu


  • Fill in the details on the creation screen:
    • Description: The description of the cost
    • Cost Type: The cost type you want to post
    • Posting Type: The posting type of the cost
    • Team: The team to assign the cost to
    • Resource: The resource to assign the cost to
    • Client Ref: A unique reference for the cost assigned by your client
    • Ref: Your unique reference for the cost
    • Quantity: The quantity of the cost. The total will be worked out based on quantity multiplied by cost/sales values
    • Unit: The unit of measurement to apply to the cost
    • Unit Cost: The cost per unit
    • Unit Sales: The sales value per unit
    • Financial Date: The date at which the cost is applied
    • Tax Type: The rate of tax to be applied to the cost


  • Click Save to commit your changes