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Creating a new Cause
Causes is an optional field on the Create Job Screen which can collect additional information as to why the job has been requested. This will add a benefit to your reporting as you will be able to see the reasons why you are spending resource time and money completing certain jobs. Examples would be Customer Fault, General Service, Application Replacement.
Causes are linked to work types which will be used when you create a job. Depending on your setting you can allocate the cause on the create job screen or it will automatically be assigned using the jobs work type default.
If you would like to enable the cause field please raise a request to our support team using the help desk portal.
Details regarding work types can be here
User Type Right - Causes [CAUSE_LIST]
- Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
- Select the Causes link
- If you have already created a cause it will be displayed in the list view.
- Use the plus icon at the top of the screen to create a cause
3. Enter the name for your cause, you can enter an alternative name if it's required but the alternative fields are not mandatory.
4. The Order will determine where it will appear in the list.