How Do I... Create a Survey?

A survey is a set of questions that can be linked to a Job and Asset and can be completed by a user either through the Mobile app or the web front end.  Surveys can be created and configured by users.

Type Rights

User Type Right for survey configuration page on admin [Surveys SUR]

User Type Rights for surveys on the individual job [Modify Job Survey MSU, View Job Survey VSU, Approve Job Survey VERAR]

1. Creating Attributes

Attributes serve as the questions on a Survey.  Survey questions can either be ad-hoc questions you create or can be custom fields that have already been set up against a Site, Job or Asset.  To create an attribute or set of attributes within a group see Adding Attributes section.

2. Associate Attributes to a Job, Site or Asset

Once you've created your base Attributes you must associate them with a Work Type, Site Type or Asset Type. Please see Assigning Attributes to Work, Site, and Asset Types section for details on how to do this.

3. Creating a Survey

Now you can create your survey and assign the attributes

1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
2. Select the Survey link under the Other section 
3. Click on the Add Survey link.

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4. Name - Enter a Name for the Survey.
5. Description - Enter a description for the Survey.
6. Is Active - Tick the box to set the survey to active.
7. Is Editable Once Saved - Tick the box if you would like to turn this option on. EG for customer satisfaction you would have this turned off so mobile users cannot change the answers.
8. Select a legacy document template or a document template. This will be used when the survey is printed on a job after completion. If you would like to use a new template please raise a request to the support team through the help centre. 
9. Click Save to add the survey.

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4. Adding attributes to a survey

Attributes need to be linked to the survey for it to work. At this stage, you should know if your attributes will be assigned to a Site Type, Asset Type or Work Type. Make sure you assign all of the attributes to the survey that have been used across all 3 types. 

1. Click on your new Survey in the List

2. Click on the Attributes tab.

3. Locate the attributes you wish to add, the groups can be expanded by clicking the +.

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4. Tick the tick boxes next to the attributes to add them to the survey.

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5. Click on the Save link at the top left.

5. Adding Survey to Job

Once you've completed the steps above you can add a Survey to a Job at any time manually through the Surveys tab on the Job page.  

1. Navigate to the Job you wish to add the survey to.
2. Click on the Surveys tab, then click on Add Survey button.

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3. Select the Survey you wish to add.

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4. The job status will determine when the survey will become available on the job, this depends on your workflow steps. Keep it set to All if you would like to use the survey at multiple stages.

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5. Tick the Available on PDA box if you need your mobile resources to complete the survey

6. Select the Completion Stage:
- Anytime - the survey will be available on mobile to complete any time before clicking on All Work Complete
- Before Work Starts - the survey will be presented for completion on mobile prior to work starting (handy for risk assessments)

7. The Survey will now appear on the list of surveys on the Job and, if selected, on the mobile.

Once you have assigned the survey if you notice there are now questions within the survey it will be due to the attributes not being assigned to the work type for the job.

6. Setting up a survey to automatically appear on Jobs

Although you can add a survey manually to a job they are normally configured to automatically appears on a Job.

    1. To do this you must associate a Survey with a Work Type, please see the Work Type: Surveys section.
    2. See Managing Surveys sections for more information.