

The Notifications functionality is used to send appointment reminder letters and/or SMS texts to tenants. These Notifications are triggered to be sent when an appointment is made on a job. Additional Notifications can also be sent as the appointment date approaches, e.g. an SMS text the day before an appointment.

Notifications are triggered by either an Appointment or a Job process. They will only be sent if the Priority against the job and either the Work Type or Workflow, meet the correct criteria. Notifications can be sent automatically or manually by a User.


How to: Adding A New Letter Notification

How to: Adding A New SMS Notification

How to: Deleting Notifications

How to: Notification Groups

How to: Adding A New Notification Group

How to: Deleting A Notification Group

How to: Set a Notification Group Against a Workflow

How to: Set a Notification Group Against a Work Type 

Notifications & Priorities 



Adding a new Letter notification


Note: If the Appointment was made for a Resource of a different supplier without re-assigning the supplier on the job, the Notification will be sent to the original supplier on the job

Letters and SMS Texts are configured in the Notification menu, with small differences in the configuration for each.

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Notifications from the Other menu
  3. If you have already created a Notification it will be displayed in the list viewScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.28.02
  4. Click the + icon to create a new NotificationScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.29.22
  5. Fill in the New Notification details as follows:
  • Name - Descriptive name for Notification
  • Recipient - Determines to whom the Notification will be sent
    0 = Tenant – the Notification will be sent to the contact of the job
    1 = Supplier – the Notification will be sent to the supplier of the job
    2 = Resource – the Notification will be sent to the Resource of the Appointment. In this case, this would happen even if the Resource was from a different supplier than shown on the job
  • Retry Attempts - Number of attempts the Letter will try to send before being aborted (normally set to 3). If it fails on all attempts a failure event will be logged in the Job History tab. If it succeeds, an event will be displayed in the Job History
  • Type - Select ‘Letter’
  • Legacy Document Template - Select the letter template from the drop-down menu
6.   Click "Create" to commit your changes

Note: Your Oneserve representative will need to create the letter templates. To set this up please create a support ticket with the Oneserve Service Desk. You will need to fill out a Work Request Form and attach this to the ticket with some example letter templates

Adding a new SMS notification

Note: The maximum for a single SMS message is 160 characters. This includes punctuation and spaces, thereafter messages are billed in 153 character segments

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Notifications from the Other menu
  3. If you have already created a Notification it will be displayed in the list viewScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.28.02
  4. Click on the + icon to create a new NotificationScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.29.22

5.    Fill in the New Notification details as shown below:

  • Name - Descriptive name for Notification
  • Recipient - Determines to whom the Notification will be sent.
    0 = Tenant – the Notification will be sent to the contact of the job
    1 = Supplier – the Notification will be sent to the supplier of the job
    2 = Resource – the Notification will be sent to the Resource of the Appointment. In this case, this would happen even if the Resource was from a different supplier than shown on the job
  • Retry Attempts - Number of attempts the SMS will try to send before being aborted (normally set to 3). If it fails on all attempts a failure event will be logged in the Job History tab. If it succeeds an event will be displayed in the Job History detailing the message content
  • Type - Select ‘SMS’.
  • SMS Text - Text for the SMS Message. This text field will contain letter tags that retrieve specific details for that job from the database and place them in the required position of the SMS text. The letter tags available to be used in a notification template can be found here: SMS Tags.
  • Validity Period - The amount of time a receiving party can respond to an automated SMS
  • Allow Multiple Responses - If using two-way SMS this will need to be set to ON
  • Response Job Event Types - Set which response (0-9) links to which event on the job. These Job events will need to be created by Oneserve

6.    Click Create to commit your changes

You can now add the notification to a notification group

Deleting Notifications 

Note: An existing Notification can only be deleted if it has been removed from all Notification Groups

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Notifications from the Other menu
  3. Select the Notification to delete and click the bin icon

Notification Groups 

Notifications have to be added to a Notification Group, which is then assigned to either a Work Type or a workflow. A Notification Group holds single or multiple notifications which can be configured so that Oneserve sends notifications simultaneously e.g. SMS and email at the same time, or in sequence e.g. a letter sent when the appointment is made, SMS sent the day before an appointment.

Adding a new notification Group

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select the Notification Groups link from under the Other menu section
  3. If you have already created a Notification Group it will be displayed in the list viewScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.31.44
  4. Click on [Create new notification group]
  5. Enter a name for the new notification groupScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.33.13
  6. Click Save
  7. Choose the new notification from the drop-down list and click Add NotificationScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.35.07
  8. To edit the Notification settings click the pencil iconScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.36.44

9.  Set the following fields to control when the Notification will be sent:

  • Sequence - The sequence number for the specific notification, e.g. if a letter is sent first, email second and SMS third, then this sequence is specified against each notification in this field
  • Trigger - This controls when the Notification will be queued/sent
  • After Previous - Notification is to be sent in sequence after the previous Notification in the group
  • Before Job Start - The Notifications will be sent before the appointment start date (App start date – Trigger = Sent/Queue Letter)
  • Auto Queue - Determines whether this Notification is queued automatically or queued by the userScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.40.13

10.   Click the Green Tick to Submit

More Notifications can be added to a group by selecting one from the drop list at the bottom and clicking the Add Notification button.

Deleting a Notification Group

Note: An existing Notification group can only be deleted if it has been removed from all Work Types and Processes

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Notification Groups from the Other menu
  3. To delete, click the bin icon next to the Notification group

Work Flow or Work Type

Set a Notification Group Against a Workflow

A notification group can be configured against a step in the workflow so that the notification will be queued and sent when a job reaches a certain step. The notification group should not be configured against the work type if the intention is to send it on the workflow.

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Workflow from the Jobs menu
  3. Find the workflow you wish to edit, click on the Action button and select Create Draft to start editing your workflow.
    Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.43.57
  4. Select the transition that will trigger the notification to bring up its settingsScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.52.45
  5. Under the Post Functions section, choose the notification group you want to generate from the Generate Letter Group drop-down menuScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 10.59.57
  6. Toggle the Repeat Notification switch depending on whether you only want to send a notification the first time a job goes through this transition or whenever the transition is repeated
  7. Click Save to commit your changes


Set a Notification Group Against a Work Type

A notification group can be configured against a work type so that the notification group will be used when an appointment is made on a job of that particular work type. The notification group should not be configured against a workflow if the intention is to send it for jobs of a certain work type. Only one notification group can be configured against a work type.

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select the Work Types link from under the Jobs menu section
  3. Click on the work type to edit and then click on the edit icon in the top left to edit the detailsScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 11.06.14
  4. Under the Settings section, choose the Notification Group you want to generate for the appointment from the drop-down menuScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 11.12.56
  5. Set the Send Notification toggle to ON to enable sending notifications when appointments are generatedScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 11.14.38
  6. Click Update to commit your changes

Notifications and Priorities

Priorities have a parameter to indicate whether an Appointment Notification is required. To set a Priority:

  1. Select the Cog icon to open the Admin menu
  2. Select Priorities from the Jobs menu
  3. Click on the Priority to editScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 11.16.38
  4. For a notification to be sent the Appointment Notification Required button needs to be set to OnScreenshot 2023-03-15 at 11.17.45
  5. Click update to commit your changes