Attributes Tab


The attributes tab displays a list of attributes that have been assigned to that site's site type. If configured correctly, these attributes will be updated to reflect current survey information.

Note: If a site is created as a certain site type and this value is then changed, the site type attributes will not copy over with it. If this has happened, please raise a support ticket


Tab Overview

If the site was created against a site type with attributes, these will then be shown in the Attributes tab. If work has been completed for the site, any corresponding survey data will be shown against the values in the tab.


Editing Attributes

In addition to updating attributes using surveys, it is also possible to manually edit attribute values in the site attribute tab. To do this:

  • Search for the site you wish to edit and click on it to bring up its site details
  • Click on the Attributes tab along the top


  • Find the attribute you wish to edit and click on the Edit button on the right-hand side to bring up the edit screen


  • Enter the new value for the attribute and click Update to save your changes

Viewing Attribute History

As attributes against a site are updated, a full audit history of these changes will be stored against the site in the attribute tab. To view it:

  • Search for the site you wish to edit and click on it to bring up its site details
  • Click on the Attributes tab along the top


  • Click on the View History button to view the history of the attributes. This will include the job on which the value was updated, the name of the survey, the date, and the user who made the edit
