Creating A Job


The Job Creation page can be used to create a Job (and optionally locations and contacts) quickly. It uses the underlying configuration to determine what information to put against a job so that you can create jobs efficiently without having to enter more data than is strictly necessary.

To make use of the features outlined in this guide, ensure you have the necessary User Type Rights assigned to your user type. 


User Type Rights

Code Name Description **** Right Type
QJOBC Create Job This right will be required for users who need to create a job, without this right the user cannot access the create job screen (QJC) Page Access
QJCFTS Quick Job Full Text Search This right will allow the job creation screen to use the same technology behind the search pages to load sites and contacts within the create job screen. This right will improve the ordering of results if more than one record matches the criteria. Instead of using the ID to order results it will return the best fit first Process Rights
CJA Create Job for Any Supplier The right will be required to create a job against any supplier/team. The job supplier/team is a mandatory field for jobs which will be determined using the details in the following order if it has been configured Site preferred team, work type preferred team or it will fall back to alphabetically using the team name for the teams available for the job Process Rights
QJCNSL QJC - Add New Site Location The job creation screen will support the option to create a new site during the job creation process. This right will control the '+ Add New Site' link against the site/contact field Process Rights
QJCAD QJC Show Advanced Fields This right will grant visibility to the Usage Type, location ref and Site type fields. To change the values the user will need the following 3 rights Process Rights
QJCEUT QJC - Edit Usage Type Ability to change a usage type for a site or set the value whilst creating a new site Process Rights
QJCESLT QJC - Edit Site Location Type Ability to change a location type for a site or set the value whilst creating a new site Process Rights
QJCESLR QJC - Edit Site Location Ref Ability to change a site reference number for a site or set the value whilst creating a new site Process Rights
QJCESA QJC - Edit Site Address Ability to edit or set address lines. This will be required for users who need to create a new sites Process Rights
QJCECN QJC - Edit Contact Name The option to edit or populate the contact name fields Process Rights
MCO Modify Contacts This right will allow the contact details to be modified whilst creating a job Process Rights
AJWC Add job without contact This right will allow the Not Required? option against the Contact section to be used. The job will be created without any contact details  
QJCREF QJC - Edit Your Ref Ability for the user to enter a value in the You Ref field for the create job screen  
QJC_REF_MANDATORY QJC - Make Ref Mandatory Users will be required to enter a value in the Your Ref field before it can be created, this will populate the Client Reference field on the Job  
QJCJO QJC and Job - Edit Owner Field The owner field on the create job page will default to the logged in user. This right will allow a user to change the owner value whilst they are creating the job and on the edit job details page once it has been created  
AOQJC Available in Owner field on QJC The job creation screen will default to the logged in user if they have this right assigned. The owner can be changed to another user as long as their user type has this right  
MTD MTD-Modify Target Date Selecting a priority for a job will automatically set the target date. This right will allow the target date to be modified manually but you should check your workflows configuration because set one can recalculate the target date which will override a value entered by a user  
QJCLOCF Show Location/Asset field on QJC Sub locations and assets can be stored against sites, Activities can be assigned to a asset and location to help engineers identify where they need to perform the task (e.g. bedroom number/kitchen). Without this right the location and asset fields will be hidden from the view  
QJCJOC QJC - Edit Coding Field Allows the user to choose a code from the drop down menu  
QJC_CODING_MANDATORY QJC - Make Coding Mandatory The coding field is non mandatory by default but this right can force a user to select a value before they can create the job  
CRCJ Create Clone Job After completing the create job form this right will allow users to create the job and keep the form open with the same details to create a clone job. The option for clone job will also be available at the top of every job  

Automated Features

The job creation process is designed with automation in mind. In order to minimise the amount of data that needs to be entered with each job creation, Oneserve makes use of associated mappings to determine various details without the need for manual data entry. The following elements are selected automatically during the job creation process:

  1. The Service for the job is chosen based on the first activity added to the job. This is configured on the activity page
  2. The Work Type for the job is selected based on the Work Types associated with the Service selected in step 1 and the Work Log Type
  3. The Cause is populated based on the causes associated to the Work Type (based on the Cause Order specified in the config). This can be overridden during the job creation process
  4. The Team will be assigned based on the Service and who has Primary Post Code coverage for that location. You can set preferred suppliers against the site or the Work Type
  5. The Workflow will be picked based on the Workflow associations to Work Type and Supplier.




  • To access the job creation screen, select "Create Job" from the "Create" drop-down menu at the top of your Oneserve instance


Site Selection and Creation

Selecting an Existing Site

  • Search for and select the relevant contact or site from the "Contact Name or Address" field


  • Once the site has been selected, the following fields will be automatically populated based on the site details:
    • Client
    • Usage Type
    • Site Type
    • Site Reference
    • Contact Name (if a contact has been associated)
    • Contact Details (if a contact has been associated)
    • Address


Creating a New Site

  • If you need to create a new site, click on the + Add New Site option to bring up the creation screen


  • Fill in the following details:

    • Client: The client that owns the site. This will dictate what work types, codings, and activities are available
    • Site Type: The type of site to be created. This will assign the relevant attributes and locations to the site
    • Usage Type: The usage type associated with the site. This can be used to specify which work types you can raise jobs with for the site
    • Site Reference: Your unique reference for the site. You can use a reference only once for each client
    • Contact Name: Choose the contact salutation from the drop-down menu and enter the first/last names of the contact associated with the site. Click Not Required? if you do not need to add a client
    • Contact Details: Choose a contact type from the drop-down menu and enter the corresponding details to add phone numbers or other contact details. Click + Add Another if you want to add multiple contact details
    • Address: Enter the address of the site
  • After you have finished filling in the details, continue to raise the job as normal and click Submit to create the job and save the site details

Work Details

  • When the site has been selected, choose the relevant Work Log Type for the job from the right hand side of the screen


  • [Optional] - If the site has locations within it, you can select the relevant location from the "Select Location" drop-down menu


  • [Optional] - If the location has assets within it, you can select the relevant asset from the "Select Assets" drop-down menu
  • [Optional] - You can narrow down the possible list of activities by selecting an activity group from the "Filter by Activity Group" drop-down menu


  • Select an activity from the "Search Activity Code or Activity Name" drop-down menu. If you have selected a location/asset, activities will be attached to these by default


  • Repeat this process until you have selected all relevant activities and quantities
  • Select the job priority from the "Priority" drop-down menu


  • The selected priority will automatically populate the "Target Date" based on the number of days specified in the priority. This can be manually overridden by selecting a different date from the date picker


  • Select a Cause from the "Cause" drop-down menu menu


  • Enter a description with all necessary detail about the job


  • [Optional] - Select a job code from the "Coding" drop-down menu


  • [Optional] - Change the owner and enter a client reference. The owner field will be populated with the user creating the job by default
  • When everything has been filled out, select one of the options from the "Submit" menu
